Latest Past Events

Next lunch

Saturday 21st September 12.30pm - a get together over lunch at John Lewis' in The Grand Arcade in Cambridge - the part on the far right at the top of the escalator. If you plan to come, please let Mike Lynch know .

Miles on Misericords

Once again, OUSC member Miles Dodd  has offered to give a talk, illustrated by his excellent photographs. Miles' previous talks , on Vietnam and Japan, were much appreciated. This time he will be looking at misericords in England and France of the  13th-16th centuries. The little wooden carvings found under the tip-up seats in churches … Continue reading "Miles on Misericords"

the next drop-in

If you would like to meet other Oxford alumni in an informal situation, you might like  to visit our next drop-in on the first Thursday of every month. We have returned to our previous home at The Robin Hood pub, where we aim to warm ourselves with  wine, heated conversation, networking and support. There is … Continue reading "the next drop-in"